Perform the following instruction when you work on a Mac OS X-system with version 10.11 or higher, including Big Sur.
Before you start:
- Make sure you are logged in to
- If you have an older version of the Canon Internet Printer installed, first remove the old version.
1. Download the file here.
2. Double-click on the downloaded file.
3. Ctrl-click on signed.pkg.
4. Click [Open with] → [Installer (default)].
5. If you see this notification, click [Open] in the security window.
6. The wizard opens. Click [Continue] in the [Introduction] page.
7. Select the destination and click [Continue].
8. Click [Install] in de [Installation Type] page.
9. Enter your Mac administrator credentials and click [Install software].
10. When the installation has finished the window below appears. Click on [Close].
11. If required, remove the installation program.
12. Click Apple menu → System preferences → Printers & Scanners.
13. Control-click the just added printer.
14. Select [Set as default printer] if you want to use the [AHK Internet Printer] as standard printer.